Concept to Creation to Convenience
It began with a simple concept of Marg Shadid, founder/president: that dog walking and dog outdoor activities should be fun, enjoyable, responsible and convenient. Marg realized that achieving "simple" was not always that easy. Each day, each dog walk, Marg had to go through a mental checklist, then stuff pockets with needed supplies for an enjoyable dog walk: pick-up bags, keys, leash, treats, sunglasses, possible fetch ball, etc. And depending on the weather that checklist grew even longer. As with other dog owners, Marg desired one, fully supplied and protective jacket for all seasons, rather than a closet full of jackets/coats that never truly offered convenience.
With the help of her fashion designer daughter, Alix, family and friends Marg was able to produce the only true all-season, Let's Go Design/K-Rosco Dog Walking Utility Jacket. Marg is now relieved to have only one jacket, fully supplied to achieve fun, enjoyable, responsible dog walks. She is thrilled to offer this convenience now to other dog owners.
Marg Shadid
Marg Shadid, President/Founder of Let's Go Designs, Inc, is an ex-broadcast marketing executive of 30+ years. Marg has always had 1, 2, or 3 "family dogs" in her life. Like many dog owners, Marg has had to juggle raising a family, maintain a career, and give attention and care to the four-legged family members. Family dogs have weathered through many of Marg's challenges in life and have always been a support in love, evident with the wagging tails! Marg is a strong "shelter dog" advocate. Marg's love for dogs, love for inter-action with dogs and in memory of her mother, (who was also a dog lover) was enough inspiration to create the K-Rosco Dog Walking Utility Jacket.
Alix Kivlin
Head Designer
Alix, Marg's daughter has been designing womenswear amidst the hustle and bustle of New York City and is thrilled to now be designing functional outerwear for dog lovers. Having grown up with many dogs she has been fortunate to have always had a canine pal to hang with. Currently residing in Brooklyn, across the street from a dog park, she is very familiar with the wants and needs of a fast paced, multi tasking dog walker always wanting to make life just a bit easier in the big city. Her design experience coupled with her understanding of construction, fit and hardware details are what have made the LGD products of such high quality and durability.